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HiPP Comfort Formula Special Milk (600g)

This sensitive formula is ideal for babies (0-36 months) who experiencing digestive discomforts such as colic, gas, and constipation. Express delivery in just 2-5 days!

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HiPP Comfort Formula: A Gentle Solution for Sensitive Tummies

HiPP Comfort Formula is a specialized infant formula designed for babies experiencing digestive discomforts such as colic, gas, and constipation. Tailored for sensitive tummies, it features a unique blend of reduced lactose, hydrolyzed proteins, and a special fat composition, making it easier to digest and gentle on an infant's digestive system.

This formula provides all the essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals necessary for healthy growth and development, while addressing specific digestive needs. Ideal for infants who struggle with standard milk formulas, HiPP Comfort Formula is a testament to HiPP's commitment to high-quality, nutritious, and safe baby foods, suitable from birth onwards.

What is HiPP Comfort Formula?

HiPP Comfort Formula is a premium infant formula designed specifically for babies with sensitive digestive systems. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Non-GMO Ingredients: One of the most significant advantages of HiPP Comfort Formula is its commitment to non-genetically modified organisms (GMOs). This means that all ingredients used are naturally sourced and free from any genetic engineering, providing a more natural and safe option for your baby.
  • Reduced Lactose Content: The formula contains less lactose compared to standard infant formulas, making it easier to digest for babies who are sensitive to lactose. This reduction helps alleviate symptoms like gas and bloating.
  • Hydrolyzed Protein: Proteins in HiPP Comfort Formula are hydrolyzed, or broken down into smaller sizes, which are gentler on a baby's stomach and easier to digest. This can be particularly beneficial for infants prone to digestive discomfort or allergic reactions.
  • Special Fat Blend: HiPP Comfort includes a unique blend of fats that mimic the composition of breast milk. These fats are structured to be easier for babies to digest and help in preventing constipation, a common issue in infants.
  • Essential Nutrients for Growth: Despite its specialized formulation for digestibility, the formula does not compromise on providing essential nutrients. It includes important vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids necessary for the healthy growth and development of your baby.
  • Supports Digestive Health: The formula's composition is designed to promote better digestion and bowel regularity. It helps in managing and reducing the symptoms of colic, gas, and constipation in infants.
  • Safe and High-Quality Ingredients: HiPP Comfort Formula adheres to strict safety and quality standards. It is made with carefully selected ingredients to ensure it is safe, nutritious, and suitable for your baby's needs.
  • Tailored for Sensitive Tummies: Specifically crafted for infants with sensitive digestive systems, this formula offers a comforting solution for parents looking for an alternative to standard milk formulas.

In summary, HiPP Comfort Formula is an excellent choice for parents seeking a formula that is gentle on the stomach yet rich in essential nutrients. Its focus on reducing digestive discomfort while supporting overall infant health makes it a standout option in the realm of specialized baby formulas.

The Importance of Addressing issues such as colic, gas, and constipation

Addressing digestive issues such as colic, gas, and constipation in infants is crucial for several reasons. These conditions, while common, can cause significant discomfort for babies and concern for parents. Understanding and proactively managing these issues are key steps in ensuring both the health and well-being of the infant and the peace of mind of the caregivers.

Understanding Colic, Gas, and Constipation

Parenting newborns and young infants often involves dealing with digestive discomforts like colic, gas, and constipation. Recognizing these issues early and understanding their symptoms can significantly help in managing them effectively. Here's a closer look at each condition:

Symptoms of Colic

  • Intense Crying: Colic is primarily characterized by episodes of intense and inconsolable crying. These crying episodes often occur at the same time each day, typically in the late afternoon or evening.
  • Predictable Timing: Colic crying usually starts suddenly and for no apparent reason. The episodes may last from a few minutes to several hours.
  • Physical Signs: During episodes, babies might clench their fists, arch their back, or pull their legs up to their stomach.


  • Colic is diagnosed based on the “rule of threes.” It's typically considered if an otherwise healthy baby cries for more than three hours a day, more than three days a week, for more than three weeks.
  • A pediatrician will rule out other causes of excessive crying, such as infections, digestive problems, or other medical issues.

Symptoms of Gas

  • Abdominal Bloating: The baby’s tummy might look swollen or feel hard.
  • Frequent Burping or Flatulence: Excessive burping or passing gas can indicate that the baby is ingesting a lot of air during feeding or crying.
  • Visible Discomfort: Babies might seem uncomfortable, especially after feeding, and might cry or appear fussy.


  • Gas in babies is usually diagnosed based on symptoms and a physical examination.
  • The doctor may ask about feeding practices and observe the baby's behavior during and after feeds.

Symptoms of Constipation

  • Infrequent Bowel Movements: While bowel movement frequency can vary, significantly fewer bowel movements than usual might indicate constipation.
  • Hard or Dry Stools: The baby may have difficulty passing stools, which might be hard or pellet-like.
  • Discomfort or Pain: Crying and discomfort during bowel movements are common signs of constipation in infants.


  • A pediatrician will consider the frequency, size, and consistency of the baby’s stools, along with any associated symptoms, to diagnose constipation.
  • In some cases, additional tests might be done to rule out underlying medical conditions.

General Guidance for Parents

  • Observation: Keep a close eye on your baby’s behavior, feeding, and bowel patterns.
  • Consultation: Always consult a pediatrician to confirm any diagnosis and to discuss suitable treatment options.
  • Comfort Measures: Simple measures like gently massaging the baby’s tummy, ensuring proper feeding techniques, and using age-appropriate remedies can provide relief.

Understanding these common infant issues and their symptoms enables parents to seek timely medical advice and provide their babies with the comfort and care they need.

The Impact on Infant Health

The health and well-being of infants can be significantly impacted by common digestive issues like colic, gas, and constipation. These conditions, while usually not severe, can cause considerable physical discomfort and pain for the baby, manifesting as crying, restlessness, and distress. Such discomfort can interfere with feeding, leading to potential challenges in maintaining regular feeding patterns. This can, in turn, impact the infant’s nutritional intake, which is critical for their growth and development.

Additionally, these digestive issues can disrupt the baby's sleep patterns, leading to less restful sleep, which is crucial for their overall development. The effects extend beyond the infant, as parental sleep and well-being are often affected, influencing their ability to provide care. Prolonged discomfort in infants can lead to increased stress levels, potentially impacting their emotional and behavioral development. Furthermore, consistent discomfort can affect the bonding process between parents and their baby, as the focus might shift more towards managing the discomfort rather than engaging in relaxed, positive interactions.

In some cases, if these digestive issues persist, they can also have implications for the infant's physical growth, underscoring the importance of addressing these conditions promptly and effectively.

Parents' Guide to Using HiPP Comfort Formula Special Milk

Proper preparation and understanding of dosage are key to maximizing the benefits of this formula.

Preparation and Feeding Tips

It's important to follow the preparation instructions closely to ensure the formula has the right consistency. Using the correct water-to-powder ratio is crucial. Navigating through your baby's feeding schedule can be a breeze with HiPP Comfort Formula Special Milk. Here's a quick, easy-to-follow guide to ensure your little one gets the proper nutrition at each stage of their early growth.

Newborn Nourishment (1–2 Weeks Old)

  • Meals per Day: 7–8
  • Ready-to-Drink Food: 70 ml (2.36 fl oz)
  • Amount of Water: 60 ml (2.03 fl oz)
  • Number of Scoops: 2

Early Growth Phase (3–4 Weeks Old)

  • Meals per Day: 5–7
  • Ready-to-Drink Food: 100 ml (3.38 fl oz)
  • Amount of Water: 90 ml (3.04 fl oz)
  • Number of Scoops: 3

Steady Development (5–8 Weeks Old)

  • Meals per Day: 5–6
  • Ready-to-Drink Food: 135 ml (4.56 fl oz)
  • Amount of Water: 120 ml (4.06 fl oz)
  • Number of Scoops: 4

Building Foundations (3rd - 4th Month)

  • Meals per Day: 5
  • Ready-to-Drink Food: 170 ml (5.75 fl oz)
  • Amount of Water: 150 ml (5.07 fl oz)
  • Number of Scoops: 5

Growth Spurt Adaptation (5th Month)

  • Meals per Day: 4–5
  • Ready-to-Drink Food: 200 ml (6.76 fl oz)
  • Amount of Water: 180 ml (6.09 fl oz)
  • Number of Scoops: 6

Transitioning and Exploring ((From 6 Months Onward)

  • Meals per Day: 4
  • Ready-to-Drink Food: 235 ml (7.95 fl oz)
  • Amount of Water: 210 ml (7.1 fl oz)
  • Number of Scoops: 7

Remember, each baby is unique, and these guidelines should be adapted to fit your baby's individual needs and doctor's advice. Happy feeding!

Dosage and Frequency

Consulting with a pediatrician for the appropriate dosage and frequency is recommended, as every baby's needs can vary.

Comparison with Other Comfort Formulas

How does HiPP stand out against other formulas available on the market?

Market Alternatives

While many comfort formulas also offer reduced lactose and hydrolyzed proteins, the specific type and balance of fats, additional probiotics, and the overall ingredient synergy can vary significantly from one brand to another, but they differ in composition, effectiveness, and suitability for different babies.

Why HiPP Stands Out

HiPP Comfort Formula a has garnered attention and praise from parents and healthcare professionals alike for several compelling reasons. It stands out in the market for its unique blend of qualities that cater to the specific needs of infants with colic, gas and constipation. Here’s why HiPP is a preferred choice for many:

Expert Opinions on HiPP Comfort Formula

Pediatricians and nutrition experts often weigh in on the effectiveness of different infant formulas.

Pediatrician Recommendations

Pediatricians often recommend HiPP Comfort Formula, particularly for infants who struggle with specific digestive issues such as colic, gas, and constipation. This recommendation is largely due to the formula's reduced lactose content, which is beneficial for babies with lactose sensitivity, helping to alleviate common symptoms like gas and bloating.

Additionally, the presence of hydrolyzed proteins in HiPP Comfort Formula is a significant factor in pediatricians' recommendations. These proteins are broken down into smaller sizes, making them easier for infants to digest and less likely to cause discomfort. This is especially helpful for babies with sensitive stomachs or those who have difficulty digesting regular formula proteins. Overall, pediatricians value HiPP Comfort Formula for its gentle formulation, which addresses the specific needs of infants with digestive sensitivities while ensuring they receive essential nutrition for healthy growth and development.

Nutritional Analysis

HiPP Comfort Formula is specifically designed to cater to the nutritional needs of infants, particularly those with sensitivities or digestive issues. It is formulated with a unique blend of ingredients that ensure a balanced supply of essential nutrients. The formula includes partially hydrolyzed proteins, which are easier for infants to digest compared to regular cow's milk proteins. This is particularly beneficial for babies with sensitive stomachs. The formula also contains a blend of fats, including omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, crucial for brain and eye development. Carbohydrates in HiPP Comfort Formula are carefully balanced, and the formula often has a reduced lactose content, which is beneficial for babies with lactose sensitivity.

Additionally, it includes a range of vitamins and minerals necessary for the healthy growth and development of infants, such as calcium for bone development, iron for cognitive development, and vitamins A, C, and D to support the immune system. Prebiotics and probiotics are also included to promote a healthy gut flora, which is essential for a strong immune system and overall health. This nutritional composition makes HiPP Comfort Formula a well-rounded choice for infants, providing a solid foundation for their growth and development.

Real-Life Success Stories: Parents' Experiences

Understanding the real-life impact of HiPP Comfort Formula can be best achieved through the experiences and testimonials of parents who have used it for their infants.

Testimonials and Feedback

Many parents have shared their positive experiences with HiPP Comfort Formula, particularly noting improvements in their infants' digestion and overall comfort. Common themes in these testimonials include a reduction in colic symptoms, easier digestion, and better sleep patterns for babies who previously struggled with other formulas. Parents have appreciated the formula's gentle ingredients, which seem to suit infants with sensitive stomachs and reduce fussiness related to feeding.

Case Studies

In addition to individual testimonials, there are several case studies that highlight the effectiveness of HiPP Comfort Formula. These studies often focus on infants with specific dietary needs or digestive challenges, showcasing how the formula has contributed to improved health outcomes. For example, some case studies detail the experiences of infants who struggled with severe reflux or lactose intolerance and how the switch to HiPP Comfort Formula resulted in significant improvements in symptoms and overall well-being.

References 1 Infante D et al.: WJG 2011; 17: 2104-8 2 Exl BM et al.: Eur J Nutr 2000; 39: 145-56 3 Arikan D et al.: J Clin Nursing 2008; 17: 1754-61 4 Kanabar D et al.: J Hum Nutr Diet 2001; 14: 359-63 5 Kearney PJ et al.: J Hum Nutr Diet 1998; 11: 281-5 6 Kennedy K et al. AJCN 1999; 70: 920-7 7 Quinlan PT et al.: JPGN 1995; 20: 81-90

Addressing Common Concerns and Questions

Parents often have concerns and questions about transitioning to HiPP Comfort Formula, especially regarding allergies, sensitivities, and switching from other formulas. 

Allergies and Sensitivities

One of the primary concerns for parents is whether HiPP Comfort Formula is suitable for infants with allergies or sensitivities. HiPP Comfort Formula is designed with a gentle formulation that minimizes the risk of allergic reactions. It contains hydrolyzed proteins, which are easier to digest and less likely to cause an allergic response compared to regular cow's milk proteins. However, if your infant has known allergies or sensitivities, it's crucial to consult a healthcare professional before introducing any new formula.

Transitioning from Other Formulas

Switching formulas can be a challenging process for both infants and parents. When transitioning to HiPP Comfort Formula, it's recommended to do so gradually. Start by mixing the new formula with the current one, slowly increasing the proportion of HiPP Comfort Formula over several days. This gradual transition helps the infant's digestive system adjust to the new formula and reduces the likelihood of digestive discomfort.

HiPP Comfort Formula and Long-Term Health

HiPP Comfort Formula is more than just a temporary solution for infant feeding; it plays a crucial role in long-term health, growth, and development.

Long-term Benefits

HiPP Comfort Formula is designed to offer more than immediate relief for digestive discomfort. Its nutritional composition is tailored to support the overall health and well-being of infants. This includes the appropriate balance of vitamins, minerals, and essential nutrients necessary for physical and cognitive development. Long-term use of this formula can set a strong foundation for health, potentially reducing the risk of certain nutritional deficiencies and health issues later in life.

Impact on Growth and Development

The ingredients in HiPP Comfort Formula are selected to promote optimal growth and development. Key components such as essential fatty acids, high-quality proteins, and carbohydrates are integral for the development of the brain, muscles, and bones. Regular intake of this formula ensures that infants receive these critical nutrients in the right proportions, supporting their growth trajectory and overall developmental milestones.

Maintaining a Balanced Diet

For infants with specific dietary needs or sensitivities, HiPP Comfort Formula offers a balanced dietary option. It is formulated to be gentle on the digestive system while providing a comprehensive range of nutrients. This balance is vital for infants, particularly in the early stages of life, when nutrition plays a pivotal role in shaping long-term health and dietary habits.

Cost and Accessibility of HiPP Comfort Formula Special Milk

Understanding the cost and accessibility of HiPP Comfort Formula Special Milk is key for parents who seek the best nutrition for their infants. While it may be priced higher than standard formulas, its specialized composition justifies the cost for many families. Parents should explore various purchasing options and potential financial support avenues to ensure their baby receives the necessary nutrition for a healthy start in life.

Pricing Comparison

When comparing HiPP Comfort Formula Special Milk to other infant formulas, it's important to consider several factors that might influence its price. This formula is specifically tailored for infants who need extra digestive comfort and may have a unique ingredient composition compared to standard formulas. Such specialized formulations often come at a higher price point due to their targeted benefits and the quality of ingredients used.

FAQs: HiPP Comfort Formula

Answering commonly asked questions helps clarify any remaining doubts about HiPP Comfort Formula.

How long does it typically take to see improvement in my baby's digestive issues after starting HiPP Comfort Formula?

The time it takes to see improvement in a baby's digestive issues after starting HiPP Comfort Formula can vary depending on the individual baby and the nature of their digestive issues. Generally, parents may start to notice improvements within a few days to a week after switching formulas. However, it's important to keep in mind that each baby's digestive system is unique, and some may take longer to adjust to a new formula.

HiPP Comfort Formula is designed to be easier to digest and is often recommended for babies experiencing issues such as colic, constipation, and gas. It contains reduced lactose, hydrolyzed proteins, and a special fat blend to mimic breastmilk's natural composition, which can be gentler on a baby's sensitive digestive system.

Is it necessary to consult a pediatrician before switching to HiPP Comfort Formula?

Yes, it is generally recommended to consult a pediatrician before switching to HiPP Comfort Formula or any other infant formula. This is particularly important if you are considering the switch due to your baby's digestive issues. A pediatrician can provide guidance based on your baby's specific health needs and nutritional requirements.

Can HiPP Comfort Formula be mixed with breast milk?

Yes, HiPP Comfort Formula can indeed be mixed with breast milk. This practice is commonly used by parents as a way to transition their baby to formula feeding or to supplement breast milk with additional nutrition. Mixing HiPP Comfort Formula with breast milk can help ensure that your baby receives the benefits of both breast milk and formula, which can be especially useful if you're gradually introducing formula into your baby's diet. It's important to follow the recommended mixing ratios and feeding guidelines to ensure that your baby's nutritional needs are met while making the transition.

Consulting with a pediatrician or healthcare professional can also provide valuable guidance on how to effectively mix and introduce the formula to your baby's diet.

Is HiPP Comfort Formula suitable for long-term use?

Yes, HiPP Comfort Formula can be used for as long as necessary, depending on your baby's individual needs and under the guidance of a healthcare professional. It is designed to provide complete nutrition for infants and can be a part of your baby's diet for an extended duration if required. Some babies may continue to use formula for several months or even up to a year or more, depending on their developmental and nutritional needs.

It's important to follow your pediatrician's recommendations and monitor your baby's growth and health to ensure they are receiving the appropriate nutrition, whether from formula or other sources, as they continue to grow and develop.

Are there any side effects of using HiPP Comfort Formula?

While side effects from using HiPP Comfort Formula are rare, some babies may experience minor changes in stool consistency or frequency when transitioning to this formula. These changes are typically not a cause for concern and are often related to the adjustment of the baby's digestive system to the new formula. Common side effects may include softer or more frequent stools and occasional gas or bloating. These side effects are generally mild and tend to improve as the baby's digestive system adapts to the new formula.

However, if you have any concerns about your baby's reaction to HiPP Comfort Formula or if side effects persist or worsen, it's advisable to consult a healthcare professional or your pediatrician for guidance and reassurance regarding your baby's nutritional needs and overall health.

Can I switch to HiPP Comfort Formula from another brand or type?

Yes, you can switch to HiPP Comfort Formula from another brand or type of formula. To do so, it's advisable to make the transition gradually to allow your baby's digestive system to adjust to the new formula. Start by replacing one feed at a time with HiPP Comfort Formula, while continuing to use your previous formula for the other feeds. This gradual approach can help minimize any potential digestive discomfort during the switch. It's essential to closely monitor how your baby reacts to the new formula, looking for any signs of discomfort or digestive issues.

If you have specific concerns or if your baby has underlying health conditions, it's a good practice to consult a healthcare professional or your pediatrician for personalized guidance on the transition. Keep in mind that each baby is unique, and their response to formula changes may vary, so a gradual and cautious approach is often recommended.

Interested in learning more? Click Sensitive Baby Formulas to dive deeper into the topic and discover a wealth of information that awaits you.

Conclusion: A Trusted Choice for Delicate Tummies

HiPP Comfort Formula is more than just a baby formula; it's a gentle, nurturing solution for infants facing digestive challenges. By blending specialized ingredients that promote easy digestion with essential nutrients for growth, HiPP provides a formula that supports both the physical health and comfort of babies. For parents seeking a formula that addresses sensitivity while nurturing their baby's overall well-being, HiPP Comfort Formula emerges as a clear, compassionate choice.

External Link: HiPP Organic

Note: This article is intended for informational purposes only and should not replace professional medical advice.

Shipment - What's in the Box?

Every purchase guarantees an organic baby milk with a minimum of six months before the expiration date. Each order comes meticulously packaged and includes:

  • 1.8 or 12 boxes x 600 grams (21.2 oz) of comfort formula powder. This should make approximately, 3840 ml (130 fl oz) of the prepared formula,
  • A specially designed measuring spoon of 4.3 grams (0.151 ounces) for accurate preparation.

Rest assured, with Baby Milk Bar, you're providing your little one with top-quality, nourishing, and safe. Remember, it's essential to consult your pediatrician before introducing any special baby milk. Your doctor can determine if HiPP Comfort Formula is suitable for your child.

Nutrition / Ingredients
Nutritional facts per 100 ml
Calorific value_66 kcal / 276 kJ
Fat_3.6 g
Fat, of which saturated fatty acids_1.69 g
Fat, of which monounsaturated fatty acids_1.49 g
Fat, of which polyunsaturated fatty acids_0.69 g
Carbohydrates_7 g
Carbohydrates, of which sugar_3.09 g
Carbohydrates, of which starch_0.39 g
Fiber_0.3 g
protein_1.25 g
Salt equivalent_0.05 g
Sodium_20 mg
Biotin_1.5 µg
Calcium_30 mg
Chloride_51 mg
Chromium_0.7 µg
Iron_0.5 mg
Fluoride_0.005 mg
Folic acid_10 µg
Iodine_15 µg
Potassium_66 mg
copper_0.053 mg
Magnesium_4.5 mg
Manganese_0.005 mg
Molybdenum_2.3 µg
Niacin_0.34 mg
Pantothenic acid_0.34 mg
Phosphorus_30 mg
Selenium_3.8 µg
Vitamin A_54 µg
Vitamin B1, thiamine_0.036 mg
Vitamin B 12_0.1 µg
Vitamin B 6_0.023 mg
Vitamin C_8.9 mg
Vitamin D_1.5 µg
Vitamin E_0.7 mg
Vitamin K_5.1 µg
Zinc_0.5 mg
Alpha-linolenic acid_0.05 g
Arachidonic acid_13.2 g
Carnitine_1.2 mg
Choline, total_25 mg
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)_13.2 mg
Galactooligosaccharides_0.39 g
Inositol_4.2 mg
Carbohydrates, of which lactose_2.79 g
Linoleic acid_0.47 g
Taurine_0.6 mg
Vitamin B 2, Riboflavin_0,051 mg

Ingredients Lactose, Maltodextrin, Vegetable Oils (Palm Oil**, Rapeseed Oil, Sunflower Oil), Starch, Beta-Palmitate(1) (From Palm Oil And Sunflower Oil), Hydrolyzed Whey Protein, Galactooligosaccharides From Lactose, Calcium Orthophosphates, Emulsifier Citric Acid Esters Of Mono- And Diglycerides Of Fatty Acids, Potassium Chloride, Fish Oil, Choline, M. Alpina Oil, L-Phenylalanine, L-Tyrosine, Potassium Hydroxide, Magnesium Chloride, Sodium Citrate, Sodium Hydroxide, L-Arginine, L-Tryptophan, L-Histidine, Calcium Carbonate, Zinc Sulfate, Calcium Chloride, Inositol, Potassium Iodate, Ferrous Sulfate, L-Carnitine, Vitamin E, Pantothenic Acid, Natural Lactic Acid Culture (Lactobacillus Fermentum Hereditum®(2)), Niacin, Copper Sulfate, Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Manganese Sulfate, Vitamin B6, Metafolin (Calcium L-Methylfolate), Vitamin K, Biotin, Vitamin D, Sodium Selenate, Vitamin B12

¹ Special Structured Fat, Oriented on Mother's Breastmilk

² Lactobacillus Fermentum CECT5716

** Organic palm oil from sustainable cultivation certified by independent inspection bodies

Allergens: contains fish and fish derivatives, contains milk and milk derivatives

How to make a Baby Bottle
  • Wash your hands thoroughly and sterilize the feeding bottle, teat, and ring in boiling water for 10 minutes._Boil fresh drinking water and cool to approx. 40°-50° C* / 104-122° F
  • Add the desired amount of boiled water (see Table) to bottle.
  • Measure the recommended amount of formula powder (see Table). Level the formula on the measuring spoon and add the powder to the water.
  • Close the bottle, and shake thoroughly.
  • Cool to a drinking temperature of approx. 37° C / 98.6° F. Remember to test the temperature before feeding your baby.

    In order not to damage the natural lactic acid cultures (lactobacilli), please do not prepare the formula with water that's too hot.

    Follow the instructions precisely when preparing infant milk formula. Improper preparation or storage can lead to health problems. Prepare the formula fresh before every feeding and offer it to your baby immediately. Do not reuse the remains of the prepared formula. Clean the bottle, teat, and ring thoroughly. Seal the opened bag tightly after use. Store dry and at room temperature, and use within 3 weeks after opening. Do not heat baby formula in the microwave (risk of scalding).

    One level scoop of HiPP Comfort serves approximately 4.3g.

    Important Notes

    Breastfeeding is best for your baby. Please talk to your pediatrician before introducing your baby to infant formula. Keep in mind that special formulas, like HiPP Comfrot, should only be used under medical supervision.

    HiPP Comfort is suitable from birth on as a complete source of nutrition until 6 months of age. After 6 months, you can continue using this formula as a part of a mixed weaning diet.

    Do not use if your baby has a diagnosed or suspected cow's milk protein allergy. With HiPP Comfort, your baby should feel better within a few days. If symptoms do not improve, please speak to your baby's doctor.

    Like breast milk, all infant milk formula contains carbohydrates. They are an important part of your baby's diet. Frequent or prolonged teeth contact with carbohydrate-containing liquids can lead to tooth decay and thus to health problems. Do not let your child suck the bottle permanently and change to cup-feeding as soon as possible
  • Baby Feeding Chart


    Meals per day

    Ready-to-drink food

     (ml / fl oz)

    Amount of water

    (ml / fl oz)

    Number of measuring spoons

    1 - 2 weeks*

    7 - 8

    70 / 2.36

    60 / 2.03


    3 - 4 weeks

    5 - 7

    100 / 3.38

    90 / 3.04


    5 - 8 weeks

    5 - 6

    135 / 4.56

    120 / 4.06


    3rd - 4th month


    170 / 5.75

    150 / 5.07


    5th month**

    4 - 5

    200 / 6.76

    180 / 6.09


    From 6 months


    235 / 7.95

    210 / 7.1


    Customer Reviews
