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HiPP Formula Stage 1

HiPP Stage 1 formula is perfect for parents looking for a clean, nutritious start for their little ones from birth. HiPP formulas are modelled after breast milk to give your baby a formula as close to nature as it gets.

With a variety of country variations on organic formula recipes, like HiPP Combiotic Stage 1 German, and specialty options like HiPP Hypoallergenic formula Stage 1, there's a formula suited to every baby!

Is HiPP Stage 1 Right for Your Baby?

HiPP baby formula is great for parents who value high-quality European formulations that meet rigorous infant nutrition standards. HiPP formula Stage 1 is for babies from 0-6 months.

HiPP infant formula offers a complete source of nutrition to help your baby thrive and can be used for feeding your baby exclusively or as a supplement to nursing.

HiPP Formula Stage 1 Ingredients and Nutritional Requirements

HiPP organic formula is thoughtfully crafted to support babies' growth and development. Several unique qualities of HiPP Stage 1 appeal to parents seeking the cleanest and most natural formula. For instance, all HiPP Stage 1 Dutch and German formulas include probiotics extracted from real breast milk!

Additionally, certain formulas contain Metafolin instead of folic acid, both of which are forms of vitamin B9. Metafolin is closer to the folate source found in breast milk and is easier for babies to absorb.

Folate is essential for cell function and is also involved in DNA and RNA synthesis. Because this nutrient is important to your baby's well-being, all HiPP formulas contain this B vitamin in one form or another!

Parents also appreciate that all HiPP formula Stage 1 Dutch, German, and UK are certified EU organic-with the exception of their HiPP German special formulas. EU organic certification means they're free from GMOs, refined sugars, artificial preservatives, pesticides, and hormones! 

When inspecting the ingredients list of HiPP infant formula, you can expect to find the following:

• Iron, which supports blood formation and brain function

• Vitamins A, C, and D for immunity and bone strength

• Probiotics and/or prebiotics for digestive wellness

• Omega-3 and 6 fatty acids for brain and eye health

• Sustainable organic vegetable oils that supply healthy fats

• Gentle whey protein

• Easy-to-digest lactose for energy

Differences Between HiPP Stage 1 Formula Variations

Each HiPP formula is tailored to satisfy national regulations and cater to the preferences of local consumers.

HiPP is best known for its Combiotic organic formula range offered in both German and Dutch variations. HiPP Bio Combiotik 1 promotes happy tummies and is the only formula to combine probiotic cultures isolated from breast milk and prebiotics from lactose.

Here, we discuss the differences between each infant formula line to help you decide between HiPP UK, Dutch, and German.

HiPP UK Stage 1

HiPP UK organic formula Stage 1 contains only lactose as a source of carbohydrates. This choice reflects the carbohydrate composition of breast milk, which features lactose as the main source of carbs.

Unlike the German and Dutch HiPP Combiotic 1 formula, which has both pro- and prebiotics, HiPP UK only has prebiotics. Prebiotics are fibers that supply healthy gut bacteria with energy, which may, in turn, help to reduce inflammation and protect against illness.

Other benefits include immune-boosting vitamins and minerals and an abundant fatty acid profile of DHA, AA, ALA, and LA to promote optimal brain and eye development.

Unlike other formulas from HiPP, the UK line uses folic acid in place of Metafolin. This milk is offered in a 800g box.

HiPP Dutch Formula Stage 1

HiPP Dutch Stage 1 Combiotic infant milk formula is one of our most popular products! This organic range contains only lactose like HiPP UK.

However, it includes both prebiotics and probiotics. This combination promotes healthy gut bacteria, which can help strengthen immune health and improve stool quality. Feeding your baby this formula may also aid with constipation and gas.

HiPP Dutch Stage 1 formula contains Metafolin for a readily available vitamin B9 that requires no metabolization.

HiPP formula Stage 1 Dutch also contains healthy micronutrients like vitamins and minerals as well as essential fatty acids. The formula comes in a durable 800g tin can.

HiPP German Stage 1

HiPP Stage 1 German is very similar in composition to the Dutch version. However, it is available in two stages of infant formula: Stages PRE and 1. Both stages contain lactose, but Stage 1 also adds starch for a creamier, more filling feeding experience.

In both stages, your baby will benefit from prebiotics and probiotics, just like HiPP Dutch. The exception is the ready-to-feed version, which only contains prebiotics but is also palm oil-free!

HiPP German Stage 1 and Stage PRE contain bioavailable Metafolin, vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids to nourish your baby. The formula is contained in 600g cardboard boxes.

HiPP Special Formula

HiPP German also offers a range of specially formulated infant formulas. A key difference is that these formulas undergo special processing, which makes them ineligible for organic certification. However, they are GMO-free. Let's discuss the differences in composition between HiPP specialty formulas.

HiPP Comfort is for infants with lactose-related 3-month colic, constipation, and gas. HiPP Anti-Reflux manages excessive spitting up and belching. Both of these are one-stage formulas, meaning they can be used from 0 to 12 months.

HiPP Comfort is unique because it is lactose-reduced, has extensively hydrolyzed proteins to aid digestion, and includes maltodextrin. However, as it does contain lactose, it is not suitable for babies with lactose intolerance.

HiPP HA hypoallergenic formula is for babies at risk of allergies and uses a special extensively hydrolyzed milk. It is offered in stages. HiPP HA Stage 1 and PRE are both lactose-only. HiPP HA formula Stage 1 and PRE are unsuitable for lactose intolerance and may not be suitable for babies with cow's milk protein allergy.

All HiPP special formulas must only be introduced to your baby's diet after obtaining your pediatrician's approval.

HiPP Stage 1 vs Stage 2

European baby milk is available in stages, with adapted formulations that satisfy your little one's nutritional needs at various stages of development.

Stage 1 formulas are infant formulas that can be used from birth onwards as a supplement or a replacement for breastfeeding.

Stage 1 formula is whey-dominant, meaning it contains easier-to-digest milk proteins and offers the same protein ratio as human milk. These gentle whey proteins are used in infant formulas because they are well-tolerated by young infants.

In contrast, Stage 2 formula is a follow-on formula with ingredients adapted for when babies begin to wean and must be fed alongside a diet that includes complementary foods.

HiPP formula Stage 2 contains similar ingredients as Stage 1, except it has higher levels of iron. By 6 months of age, babies need more iron than in earlier infancy. The increased levels of iron support blood formation and neurological development at this age.

HiPP also adds starch to their Stage 2 milk (with the exception of Stage 2 No-Starch) to enhance the texture and provide more filling feedings.

HiPP Formula PRE vs Stage 1

Both PRE and 1 are infant formulas for newborns from 0 to 6 months. They have very similar compositions, with the key difference being that Stage PRE is always based entirely on lactose, whereas Stage 1 may include starch as a complementary carb.

FAQs About HiPP Baby Formula Stage 1

Here are a few of the most asked questions about HiPP formula Stage 1. Keep scrolling to discover important information about using HiPP infant formula!

When to Start HiPP Stage 1?

Stage PRE and Stage 1 can be used from birth to 6 months when not breastfeeding or in combination with breastfeeding.

Can HiPP Formula Stage 1 be Used from Birth?

Yes, but it is recommended to introduce formula only after consulting a healthcare professional.

Does HiPP Formula Stage 1 Contain Any Allergens?

Yes, HiPP Stage 1 and PRE formula contain fish oil, milk, and milk derivatives. All HiPP formulas are not suitable for babies with lactose intolerance or cow milk protein allergies.

Conclusion: The Benefits of Choosing HiPP Stage 1 Formula

HiPP prioritizes using clean ingredients in the making of its baby formula without harmful chemicals or unnecessary additives. HiPP is committed to crafting high-quality products parents can depend on to feed their little ones from birth.

HiPP formulas are known for being close to breast milk and providing gentle ingredients that babies can easily tolerate.

As for their organic offerings, HiPP follows strict European organic regulations, earning it the European organic certification and HiPP organic seal. Even their non-organic specialty formulas are GMO-free and satisfy strict European regulations.

Although the formulas have slight variations in ingredients and packaging, no matter what version you choose, you can feel good about a company committed to crafting premium products for babies!
