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HiPP German Formula

Designed to mimic breast milk, HiPP German formula is famous for its dedication to quality, strict organic practices, thorough controls, and an impressive nutritional profile featuring advanced ingredients. HiPP German formula is proudly made to offer the highest level of safety alongside carefully selected ingredients. Keep reading to discover all the benefits of HiPP German formula for your baby!

HiPP German Formula Ingredients & Nutritional Information 

HiPP German formula ingredients are praised for being clean; raw ingredients are cultivated without GMOs, pesticides, hormones, herbicides, and other potentially harmful components. Only the best ingredients are used and tailored to support your baby's healthy growth during each developmental milestone; thus, HiPP German is offered in different stages. The micro and macronutrients are optimally adjusted in every stage to ensure optimal nourishment for your little one.

Two critical nutrients in HiPP German milk formula are essential fatty acids: docosahexaenoic (DHA), an omega-3 fatty acid, and arachidonic acid (ARA), an omega-6 fatty acid. These long-chain fatty acids are necessary for healthy brain and eye development during infancy.

Probiotics and prebiotics are also key components of HiPP organic German baby formula. Prebiotic galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) promote the growth of healthy gut bacteria for smoother digestion, improved calcium absorption, and softer stools.

The probiotic used in HiPP German formula for babies is Lactobacillus fermentum hereditum®, which naturally occurs in and is originally extracted from breast milk. By boosting the amount of beneficial bacteria in your baby's gut, HiPP German aids digestion, may reduce colic or constipation, and supports your little one's immune system.

Another appealing feature of German HiPP formula is that its primary carbohydrate is lactose, just like human milk. However, between Stages 1 and 3 and in some specialty HiPP formulas, complementary carbohydrates may be added for an additional or alternative energy supply.

HiPP German offers a balanced blend of vitamins and minerals for a nutritionally complete formula. To name a few of these essential nutrients, HiPP German includes vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin D, calcium, zinc, iron, and more, all supporting various aspects of your baby's development!

What are HiPP German Baby Formula Stages?

HiPP German organic formula is available in multiple stages to best support your baby's needs as they grow and develop. We'll walk you through the different HiPP German baby formula stages we offer next.

HiPP German PRE

German organic baby formula by HiPP is available beginning with Stage PRE. This infant formula is suitable for babies from 0 to 6 months as the sole source of nutrition. It's designed for delicate newborn tummies and contains 100% lactose-based carbs and whey-dominant milk proteins for easy digestion.

HiPP German Stage 1

HiPP German formula Stage 1 is very similar to Stage PRE. It, too, is an infant formula designed to satisfy the needs of babies from birth up to 6 months, contains lactose, and is whey-dominant. However, the macronutrients (calories, fats, and carbs) in Stage 1 are slightly higher than in Stage PRE; plus, starch is added as a complementary carbohydrate, and there are minor differences in the value of certain minerals and vitamins.

HiPP German Stage 2

HiPP German formula Stage 2 is a follow-on milk for babies between 6 and 10 months. Stage 2 milk is crafted to support your baby once they begin solid foods.

HiPP Stage 2 contains more iron, calcium, and vitamin D. It also features a higher ratio of casein to whey proteins and includes added starch to help keep your baby feeling satiated during a phase of rapid growth. If you prefer to offer your baby milk without complementary carbohydrates, you can opt for HiPP Stage 2 No-Starch, HiPP Goat German Stage 2, or HiPP Hypoallergenic (HA) Stage 2.

HiPP German Stage 3

Organic formula by HiPP also comes in Stage 3 for babies 10+ months. HiPP German Stage 3 offers starch in addition to lactose as a source of carbohydrates to help your little one feel full. Like Stage 2, Stage 3 is also casein dominant.

HiPP German Special Formulas

Next, we will explore HiPP German special formulas. It's worth noting that HiPP Hypoallergenic, Anti-Reflux, and Comfort are not considered organic formula due to the special processing of the milk and European labeling regulations. They are, however, non-GMO, and HiPP Germany-made formula follows strict quality standards and nutritional guidelines. All HiPP special formulas should be used on the advice of your pediatrician and under medical supervision.

HiPP HA - Hypoallergenic

HiPP German also has a hypoallergenic variation for babies with a family history of allergies and sensitivities to cow's milk. Still, it is not intended for lactose intolerance and may not be suitable for cow's milk protein allergy (CMPA) cases. HiPP HA is crafted with extensively hydrolyzed milk proteins. These smaller protein particles are less likely to trigger an allergic reaction and promote greater digestive ease along with the help of pre- and probiotics. HiPP German HA is available in Stages PRE, 1, and 2.

HiPP AR - Anti Reflux

The Anti-Reflux HiPP German baby formula is an all-stages formula designed for babies from birth to 12 months who find it hard to keep their milk down. It contains locust bean gum as a natural thickening agent to manage excessive reflux and regurgitation.

HiPP Comfort

HiPP German Comfort is an all-stages formula designed to alleviate irregular bowel movement, lactose-related colic, and increased gassiness. It can be used from birth up until your baby's first birthday. It features a combination of pro- and prebiotics and extensively hydrolyzed proteins for smoother digestion. As it's intended for little ones with mild sensitivities to lactose, it features a reduced lactose content partially replaced by maltodextrin and starch. However, it is not suitable for lactose-intolerant babies. 

The Differences: HiPP German vs. Dutch vs. UK

HiPP formula German, Dutch, and UK variations were created to meet each country's nutritional requirements. The differences between the three options aren't drastic but may lead parents to prefer one version over another. So, let's examine them a little bit closer:

  • Prebiotics & Probiotics: HiPP German and Dutch variations go the extra mile and combine both pre- and probiotics to ensure gut health and immunity. The HiPP UK, however, uses prebiotics only.

  • Carbohydrates: HiPP Dutch and UK exclude starch from their formulas, meaning they are fully lactose-based. The only exception is that HiPP Comfort UK has starch and maltodextrin as complementary carbohydrates, which are essential to ensure sufficient energy levels in a lactose-reduced formula.

  • Folate: HiPP UK contains folic acid, a synthetic form of folate, whereas HiPP German and Dutch use Metafolin-a natural source of folate also found in breast milk that is easier to absorb than folic acid.

  • Packaging: While all HiPP formula is made in Germany, country versions are packaged in the region in which it's produced, leading to slight variations in packaging. For instance, HiPP German comes in cardboard boxes with 600g of formula, HiPP Dutch is available in tin cans holding 800g of formula, and HiPP UK is sold in cardboard boxes with 800g or 600g of formula per box.

Choosing the Right HiPP German Organic Formula for Babies 

While there are many HiPP formula options to choose from, you can simplify your search for the best formula by focusing on your baby's needs. The most important factors to consider are your baby's age, their tolerance for specific ingredients, and whether they require special nutrition.

For example, if your little ones deal with colic or constipation, you might consider the HiPP Comfort formula. Alternatively, if spit-up is a frequent issue, HiPP German Anti-Reflux may be a good choice. Luckily, HiPP has formulas for all feeding journeys!

Don't hesitate to consult a medical professional who can help pick the best formula to keep your little one nourished, healthy, and happy!
